
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Snow Much Fun!

This was our first real snow this year!  For about three days, we had snow flurries for much of the day but nothing that would really stick.  The kids were going crazy!  They wanted real snow!

Well, they got it!  Our first winter storm left us with about 4-5 inches of snow, lots of ice, and even a snow day on Monday!

Rylee and McKay wasted no time making snow angels, rolling around, and, of course, eating the snow!

Even crazier is the fact that the temperatures have been very cold - well below zero when the wind chill is factored in.  These kids definitely take after their daddy - there is no way you'd get me out to play in the snow with temperatures that cold!  My favorite line is, "I'm NOT ready to come in yet!  I'm not even cold!" McKay says through rosy red cheeks, shivers, and quivering lips!

Haydn ventured out in the snow with his Razor scooter!  He loved sliding around everywhere and can't wait for some big snow piles to go scooting down!

Though I wouldn't play outside yet, I did get the hot cocoa all ready for my little ice cubes!  I'll venture out when the temperatures are above zero! :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hello Mr. Yellow Belt!

Last night, Haydn became an official yellow belt in karate!  Testing was about two weeks ago so this has been an eagerly awaited night for Haydn!  When they announced, "White belts, turn around and remove your belts" I thought Haydn was going to burst from all the anticipation!  He was all smiles as he was "belted" and that ribbon of yellow was wrapped around his waist!

As Haydn finally settled down for the night (after an ice cream brownie sundae celebration with some close friends), he thanked God that now he could line up with the yellow belts during class!  So cute!

Good bye white belt!

Hello yellow belt!

Haydn with Miss Tonya and Mr. Gary

Haydn and Mr. Vito

Haydn's best warrior face as he poses with Master Collins

Smiles and Laughter

Quick!  Grab the camera!  They all love each other right now!  :)
With three kids close in age, every moment of our day isn't filled with smiles, laughter, and goofiness.  A visit to our home would definitely reveal some bickering, fighting, and, yes, some screaming!  So, when there are moments like the ones shown in these pictures, I try to capture them as fast as I can!

What do you do when you're cold?  Hop in Dad's shirt with him, of course!

This picture doesn't do justice to what's happening.  This is Rylee wearing Momma's boots, eating a cookie, and saying, "Hmmm . . . these are great cookies!  Thanks for helping me guys!"  She just loves to play "mommy" these days!

Our Little Scholars

I get asked a lot what our school day looks like.  We always start our day with prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, and a look at the calendar, followed by our Bible lesson and some songs.  Then the kids head into their own activities.  Some days you'd see all the kids working together in one area and sometimes they are each in a different part of the house, working on their own "stuff." 
During our Egyptian studies, I took Haydn to an archaeological museum on the U of M campus.  While there, he purchased a mummy excavation kit.  Boy, did he love that!  After two days of excavating, Haydn discovered a sarcophagus with a mummy hidden inside.  What a great learning activity to wrap up our Egyptian unit!

Miss Rylee's school year is centered around learning her letter sounds and how to (informally) write the letters.  We incorporate reading, science, math, and social studies into her letter sounds.  We do a lot of hands-on activities, but Rylee's favorite thing is definitely writing and doing activities in her "preschool book."  In this picture, she was learning to write the letter I.  She was most excited to figure out that she could now write the words "Hi Rylee!"

McKay follows along with Rylee in our preschool world.  He is learning to recognize all his letters and picking up a lot of the sounds as he goes.  In this picture, he is using some wood pieces to build the letter I.

I look at these pictures and can't help but to be amazed!  It seems like yesterday we were amazed when they learned to roll over.  Now we have a house full of scholars who amaze us each day with how much they are learning!