Ok, so have I ever mentioned how much I love being a homeschooling family? This week we were learning about the Egyptians who lived along the Nile River. To really illustrate the point of how the flooding of the river helped the farmers along the land, we built our own model of the Nile River. Now, I'm no dummy! I took care of presenting the information during the school day and waited for Dad before we began playing with the dirt and such!
So, first we had to build the banks of the river as well as the delta that empties into the Mediterranean Sea. Once that was set, we used foil to create the Nile River running through Egypt.
Now we were ready to plant our crops. In our case, we just planted some grass seed that could be watered by the flooding river.Next came the fun part - flooding the river! The kids were so amazed to see all the water get sucked up into the banks of the river.
Now if only we could control how fast our crop grew! The kids check their Nile River everyday for signs of growth! They can't wait until it is time to flood the river again!
This is too stinkin' cool!!! I'm sure your kids will never forget the day they planted grass next to the Nile River! :-)